Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mission Impossible: Hot Man

So, I haven't blogged in a really long time. Which makes this the perfect opportunity.

Right now Sarah's in the corner touching her hair rapidly. She wants to take a shower, but is afraid of drying out her hair....her decision: "I'll touch my hair a lot". lolol

So, let's catch you up a bit.

I don't see cute guy nearly as often as I used to, which is okay. Because now I have discovered Hot Man. Hot Man is the better alternative to Cute Guy, since I'm pretty sure he's gay(Cute Guy, not Hot Man). He gets smoothies a lot (I over heard that in a conversation once between him and his possible boyfriend...).

Hot Man might be gay too though for all I know. He always wears fashionable clothes.....


Today was good. I got an A- on my final paper in English! OH YEAH!

But now for the funny story of the day, and your introduction to Hot Man.

Sarah and I are walking back to the dorm from diner. It's freezing outside. Its freezing in our actual dorm. But the halls are really hot. So I jokingly say,

"Hey, lets like get something to make our room hot. Lets like get someone really hot and stick them in our room, lets get..."
this is when Hot Man is seen down the hall. He distracts me. Instead of, you know saying the one thing that now pops into my mind (being him) and shove him in our room to make it warmer. I say the only other thing that enters my brain.

"Lets get Tom Cruise and stick him in our room."

Sarah and I died laughing because...well, Tom Cruise is well past his hot days in my opinion. Hot Man kind of just walked past us and tried not to stare. I was too busy laughing to really notice at that point. Tom Cruise? Of all the options. Really?
But more importantly, how the hell did Tom Cruise even enter my head!?! I haven't watched mission impossible for years! I forgot he even existed until his name came out of my lips!

Well, there you have it. Tom Cruise will never really leave, no matter how much you wish he would.