Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mission Impossible: Hot Man

So, I haven't blogged in a really long time. Which makes this the perfect opportunity.

Right now Sarah's in the corner touching her hair rapidly. She wants to take a shower, but is afraid of drying out her hair....her decision: "I'll touch my hair a lot". lolol

So, let's catch you up a bit.

I don't see cute guy nearly as often as I used to, which is okay. Because now I have discovered Hot Man. Hot Man is the better alternative to Cute Guy, since I'm pretty sure he's gay(Cute Guy, not Hot Man). He gets smoothies a lot (I over heard that in a conversation once between him and his possible boyfriend...).

Hot Man might be gay too though for all I know. He always wears fashionable clothes.....


Today was good. I got an A- on my final paper in English! OH YEAH!

But now for the funny story of the day, and your introduction to Hot Man.

Sarah and I are walking back to the dorm from diner. It's freezing outside. Its freezing in our actual dorm. But the halls are really hot. So I jokingly say,

"Hey, lets like get something to make our room hot. Lets like get someone really hot and stick them in our room, lets get..."
this is when Hot Man is seen down the hall. He distracts me. Instead of, you know saying the one thing that now pops into my mind (being him) and shove him in our room to make it warmer. I say the only other thing that enters my brain.

"Lets get Tom Cruise and stick him in our room."

Sarah and I died laughing because...well, Tom Cruise is well past his hot days in my opinion. Hot Man kind of just walked past us and tried not to stare. I was too busy laughing to really notice at that point. Tom Cruise? Of all the options. Really?
But more importantly, how the hell did Tom Cruise even enter my head!?! I haven't watched mission impossible for years! I forgot he even existed until his name came out of my lips!

Well, there you have it. Tom Cruise will never really leave, no matter how much you wish he would.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cute Guy

Just got back from breakfast with Sarah. Either I'm really good at stalking, Cute Guy likes being stalked, or I'm being stalked. Those are my conclusions.

So me and Sarah took one of our two usually seats (today it was the one by the drinks). I look over to see Cute Guy sitting in the corner. He looked up and saw me so I looked away.

About five mins later I looked back and caught him staring in my general direction.

About ten mins later he played ring around the rosie around the drinks.

Then he took a seat closer to us (though I couldn't see him without adjusting myself sooo maybe he did it because he knows Sarah and I are those two creepy kids that think he's cute and decided to make it so that we can't see him....) but yeah.

I didn't say anything to Sarah because of how quiet it was in the caff, but c'mon! Either God has a sick sense of humor and is toying with my emotions or that kid is on to us.

He wears eyeliner. Not God, Cut Guy. I normally don't go for that unless he's in some punk rock band, but dude. He pulls it off. He pulls it off more than half the girls I see.

So conclusions:
     Cute Guy is either a Stalker or an unfortunate man with poor timing.
     Cute Guy is either homosexual or a member of a Punk Rock Band.

(Also, I just looked in a mirror for the first time today. He's an unfortunate man with poor timing)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What my life has come to

So there is a guy here who looks like Johnny Depp's twin. Its scary. The first time I met him went a little something like this:

Me: *without looking up hands man ID*
Johnny Depp: *Takes ID*
Me: *looks up and sees Johnny Depp. Jaw drops*
Johnny Depp: Hi.
Me: Thank you.

that's when I walked away awkwardly.


Today Sarah and I decided to go to breakfast at 9 o'clock (as we discovered Cute Guy does laundry at this time on Wensdays). we were sad to find that he wasn't doing laundry today. Probably because of the long weekend.
Oh well.

So after breakfast we went to check our mailboxes again. Earlier they weren't letting us get our mail which was very depressing, but today i CONQUERED THE MAILBOXES! well, I conquered my mailbox. Sarah's still won't work...
I tried opening it for her about three times before I started attacking the thing like a spaz. That's when Johnny Depp walked by and laughed. I swooned then went to class.

I got lunch with Lauren which was a nice little break. Then after I decided it was nap time. I didn't have class until 4:30, and it was only 3:00 so I figured I had plenty of time. I set my alarm and went into a beautiful slumber....which lasted until 4:45. I woke up to find Sarah fast asleep on her bed and my phone telling me that I was a lazy late bum. I jumped out of bed (thank god I decided to take a nap with my shoes on like the sped that I am) and literally ran to class. The professor was super chill about it thank god.

After class we went to get dinner. I grabbed a table and looked up to find Cute Guy sitting across from us.
If the constant staring every time we see him doesn't give us away the unstoppable giggling probably is a good tip off. I think we scare him.

He's probably gay.

Sarah and I wrote a song about our one true love today:

You are wonderful
And so Incredible
You're magical

And I am shocked by your
Horny exterior
You fly so High
Please take me for a ride

It's about unicorns.
We're kind of obsessed.

                         -\= \=\ //
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         _ _ _ _     /_/    \  ]  /--
        /\ ( (- \    /       ] ] ]==-
       (\ _\_\_\-\__/     \  (,_,)--
      (\_/                 \     \-
      \/      /       (   ( \  ] /)
      /      (         \   \_ \./ )
      (       \         \      )  \
      (       /\_ _ _ _ /---/ /\_  \
       \     / \     / ____/ /   \  \
        (   /   )   / /  /__ )   (  )
        (  )   / __/ '---`       / /
        \  /   \ \             _/ /
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I'm currently talking to Shanley via facebook....
she just sent me a message which states "brb I have to stalk this guy. Give me 15 minuets"
I'm so glad I'm not the only stalker.

So pretty much I have realized two things today:
I'm a stalker.
I'm never going to find love unless it's in the shape of a unicorn.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Today was Amazing.

Sarah (my amazing roommate) and I were going to get breakfast this morning.

You know it's a good morning when you see the Cute Guy you see EVERYWHERE in the laundry room and he makes eye contact with you on your way out the door. 


You know it's going to be a good year when you make the connection that you saw him at the exact same time on the exact same day in the laundry room the previous week.

You know God has a sense of humor when you go back into the room after breakfast and see a pair of boxers just outside the laundry room.


So after my two hours of classes I decided to do absolutely nothing. Seriously. Looking back I realize that for 4 hours straight I did nothing. At all. Except breathe. Weird.

Sarah and I decided to go get dinner. I had a salad, pizza, and a butterscotch pudding just in case you were curious. Well, we sat down and who did we see?!?!?! 'Mark'!!!
I took a picture of him to send to the real Mark and Lizz. I think he might have seen me doing it.....oops.

Walking back to the dorm room Sarah and I discussed our love for Unicorns. Who did we nearly walk into as I was saying "Unicorns are the coolest!" Cute Guy. 


TANGLED DANCE PARTY! Broadway has no idea who (or what) is coming it's way! 
Sarah recorded me. lolols.

I want to watch Hocus Pocus. Every time we try something comes up. Curses. 

Sarah's going to hang out with this guy that has a crush on her soon. He's in like all of my classes. She's afraid. hahahahaha she doesn't want it to be a date. I told her to tell him she only dates women. I don't think she's going to.

Luckily, I'm only two floors beneath them, so I'ma put on my cape and be prepared to Save The Day should the situation warrant it. hehehe. I've always wanted an excuse to wear my cape. 

I should be peer editing two peoples papers. And writing an essay for Geography. I am doing everything else possible known to man.

I am in Love with Aaron Tveit. I will find him. I will. 
That's what Sunday Morning Stalking is For-- because then, God is with you. :]


So I thought I would start off my college blogging with a story from last week. This seems a good place to begin.

Last Friday I was exhausted; my Expository Writing teacher kept us ten minuets late, which was drastically cutting into my 2:30 Friday afternoon nap (I have those). Anyways, I was walking back to class when suddenly I saw Mark!!!

...Or at least, I thought i did. I think it was a mix of the sleep deprivation and the homesickness that made me believe that Mark was walking towards me from my building. There are two things I should have been aware of:
1. Mark and Lizz do not stalk me religiously or even know where I live on campus.
2. Why, in God's name, would they drive an hour to come and say hi to me?

But I didn't realize this until after I was rushing, with a big loving smile, towards the man that looks like Mark. I assumed Lizz and Aivril would be doing something silly like be hiding in the bushes, so I was looking around for them as I ran towards 'Mark'.

'Mark' stared at me like I had ten hideous heads all oozing with some sort of green pus. That's when I realized, oh crap, you are not really Mark.

Too late. 'Mark' crossed the street and kept looking over his shoulder in a freaked out manner. I entered my building feeling foolish, then turned to see 'Mark' crossing the street again......
