Friday, October 14, 2011

Cute Guy

Just got back from breakfast with Sarah. Either I'm really good at stalking, Cute Guy likes being stalked, or I'm being stalked. Those are my conclusions.

So me and Sarah took one of our two usually seats (today it was the one by the drinks). I look over to see Cute Guy sitting in the corner. He looked up and saw me so I looked away.

About five mins later I looked back and caught him staring in my general direction.

About ten mins later he played ring around the rosie around the drinks.

Then he took a seat closer to us (though I couldn't see him without adjusting myself sooo maybe he did it because he knows Sarah and I are those two creepy kids that think he's cute and decided to make it so that we can't see him....) but yeah.

I didn't say anything to Sarah because of how quiet it was in the caff, but c'mon! Either God has a sick sense of humor and is toying with my emotions or that kid is on to us.

He wears eyeliner. Not God, Cut Guy. I normally don't go for that unless he's in some punk rock band, but dude. He pulls it off. He pulls it off more than half the girls I see.

So conclusions:
     Cute Guy is either a Stalker or an unfortunate man with poor timing.
     Cute Guy is either homosexual or a member of a Punk Rock Band.

(Also, I just looked in a mirror for the first time today. He's an unfortunate man with poor timing)

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